Monday, December 13, 2010


Recently the boys completed their reading charts and so we thought it was time for a reward that was bigger than a Trader Joes Organic Sucker. 
They each got to choose a Beta Fish.
 These fish needed a new home, but I was not about to buy three fish bowls at $20 a piece and then fill the bottom with a bag of $6 marbles.
Mason jars are pretty.

And as much as I love "What About Bob" the jars just felt temporary.

So what do you do? You head to your local thrift store and find 3 fun glass jars for $1.99 and then let the kids fill the bottom with their own toys, money, rubber-bands, etc. The kids are so proud of the finished product and they each named their own fish.
Hooray for creative rewards!

How do you reward your kids?


  1. We had a nice fish tank and some pretty fish when you were young. You must have remembered and wanted to reive the experience.

  2. What an adorable idea!!! I have three little boys who would love to each decorate something like this in their own special way. What a great reward!

  3. Love your site! Just a warning though...the pennies will poison the fish! So might the other toys, etc., as the water leeches out various chemicals and other impurities and it kills the poor fish! Hope that helps :)
